Textbook Reading for Is223 / Es 275 Readings/la245 Chapter 8

Reading activities are organised in the three-stage framework

Pre-reading While-reading Post-reading
� Schemata activation � Creating motivation � Language preparation � Cloze task � Sequencing task � Restoring task � Irrelevance scan � Matching job � Fitting-in job � Information retrieval � Summary � Information digest � Sharing information � Artwork � Farther reading � Further writing

Exploratory task 2.v

Friction match the following tasks with the �pre-reading�, �while-reading� and �post-reading� stage�.

Tasks Phase
one. Learners are encouraged to form certain expectations about the text 2. Learners complete a paragraph 3. Learners complete a questionnaire iv. Learners solve a mystery v. Learners office-play a plot 6. Learners write a summary vii. Background information is provided 8. Questions to activate what the learners already know are asked 9. In a brainstorming activity the learners anticipate the master points ten. Central words are supplied for the learners to guess what the text might be virtually xi. Learners write a story inspired by a photograph 12. Learners recognise the paragraph that summarises the main data in the text xiii. A picture representation of the text is studied and discussed 14. Learners match headlines with paragraphs 15. Learners match text with pictures or diagrams. 16. Learners order jumbled paragraphs 17. Learners dissimilarity the two texts 18. Learners have notes 19. Learners express their views 20. Learners exploit a text for grammar or vocabulary 21. Learners discuss and justify different interpretations of the text 22. Learners distinguish the main idea from supporting details 23. A listening text on the aforementioned topic is presented(Shiels, J. 1993. Communication in the Mod English language Classroom. Council of Europe Press) A/ Pre-reading B/ While-reading C/ Mail-reading

Exploratory task two.6

Observe in the form-books or produce yourselves the reading activities as shown below.

a) Students read individual brusk subject-related texts and dilate them into a articulation summary b) Students read jumbled instructions and put the instructions in the correct order c) Students read recipes and friction match them with pictures of food d) Students read an extract from a play and human activity information technology out e) Students match topic sentences with the paragraphs they come from f) Students read a number of texts and friction match the texts with the authors who might accept written them k) Students read data and convert information technology into bar graphs or pie charts (Adapted from Harmer. J., 1998. How to Teach English. Longman)


Design an activity for teaching to read in the three-phase framework and run it with your pupils or peers. Reflect on the activity using the given format.

Points of assay Cess
� Articulate goal
� Breviloquent caption
� Helpful pre-reading
� Involved reading
� Insightful mail-reading
� Acceptable linguistic communication level
� Adequate chore level

Integrated chore

� Draw your teaching situation (classroom or peers)

� Clarify the goal of teaching to read in your teaching situation

� Give a rationale of didactics to read in your particular case

� Design and run your reading activity

� Reflect on your reading activity and draw recommendations

Answer Keys

SAQ i.one

B 2A 3A 4A 5A 6C 7C 8C 9A 10C

SAQ 1.2

Possible reading dynamics: 1f 2a 3d 4e 5c 6b

SAQ one.3

Possible matches are 1i 2a 3h 4b 5g 6c 7f 8d 9e

Exploratory task 1.1

Possible answer: a) 3 C III; b) 1 A I; c) 2 B II;

Exploratory job i.4

1C 2D 3A 4L 5B 6E 7F 8G 9H 10I 11J 12K

Exploratory task ane.7

1/text, 2/keyboard, 3/monitor, 4/editing, 5/typewriter, 6/re-typing, 7/spellchecker, 8/disk, 9/impress-out

Exploratory task 1.eight

Milk tin can be bought in many places like a �Drugstore�. Nobody has to do military service in the Uk. Children accept to stay at schoolhouse until xvi. Former people and children do not pay for medical care. At that place is a closing time at 11.30 p.k. for pubs and �concluding orders� telephone call a quarter of an hour earlier is strictly observed. Passengers pay for the motorcoach on entry. You can cross the street anywhere. To get married you lot have to exist xvi in the UK

Exploratory job two.5

A ane,3,vii,8,9,x,13,23; B 12,fourteen,15, 16, 17, 18, 22; C two, 5, 6, 11, 20, 21


Anticipatory guessesare predictions made about the text lying ahead

Bottom-upward reading strategyis perceiving the text and extracting information

Critical readingis reading with the activated thought processes

Critiqueis reading for disquisitional analysis

Cued readingis reading the parts of the text, which are relevant to the given directions

Guided readingis seeking information in the text, which is relevant to the given questions

Interactive readingis employing more than ane reading strategy, such as �top-down� and �lesser-up�

Jig-saw readingis reading topic related texts or parts of the same text and subsequent pooling information together

Reader�s responseis the change in the reader�s mind that is either made explicit or remains implicit

Reader-oriented readingis the process of eliciting reader�southward response

Reading dynamicsis the fourth dimension-and-motion characteristics of reading

Scanningis reading for details

Schema(schemata) is prior knowledge that channels cognitive processes

Skimmingis reading for the gist

Text-oriented readingis using the text every bit the source of information


Source: https://allrefrs.ru/5-34623.html

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